Health Communication Week Organization

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What's New

Health Communiation Week 2022, Nagoya (1-2 Octorber)

About Health Communication Week Organization (HCWO)

In April 2022, the Japanese Association of Health Communication (JAHC) was restructured to become the Health Communication Week Organization (HCWO). As a consequence, the subsidiary associations of the former JAHC became associations of HCWO. In addition, the newly created Japanese Association of Health-care Communication became a subsidiary association of HCWO and a new subsidiary association of HCWO was founded with the same name as the former JAHC, but was positioned differently.

It is possible to consider all these former subsidiary associations as representing academic subfields in health communication studies, but the terms used in their names have different nuances. On the basis of these differences, rather than directly positioning each discipline as broad aspects of health communication studies, we believe they should be positioned loosely as “health communication-related areas,” while keeping a certain degree of independence.

HCWO oversees membership management, fee collection, and information services for seven subsidiary academic societies related to health communication studies. HCWO hosts the annual Health Communication Week (HCW), which is a joint academic Conference for the subsidiary associations. In addition, each subsidiary association is responsible for planning its own academic Conference and editing their academic journals.

The following is a list of the subsidiary associations for HCWO.

President and Vice Presidents

Board Members



Department of Health Communication, School of Public Health, The University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8655, Japan